Prostitution: A Tug of War between Legality & Illegality

Prostitution: A Tug of War between Legality & Illegality

Prostitution: A Tug of War between Legality & Illegality

Author – Nitin Nautiyal, Student at Department of Law, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, GGS Indraprastha University

Best Citation – Nitin Nautiyal, Prostitution: A Tug of War between Legality & Illegality, ILE Journal of Equity and Justice, 1 (1) of 2023, Pg. 138-130, ISBN – 978-81-961791-3-7


Historical practices are meant to be preserve without any of the obstruction which goes harmonious with the societal operations. We as the vibrant ideological society divided the natural practices in front or against our own created beliefs and myths in which the beliefs are priortized over the cultural practices and made them stand between the race of the legality and illegality in the society. Prostitution is one of the such issue which is being practiced since ages in one form or other, but the operation of the prostitution was never been in the question even though the commercialization of sex was done for the monetary benefits and livelihood of the sex worker. The rules and legislation of the 21st century has put a lot of bar on the practice of this profession whereby the terms like prostitution and brothels are considered as the sin in the parts of the globe. Prostitution is practiced in all regions of the world according to the ease and suitability of legislation made by the administrator either for the election campaign or for creating lucrative conditions for the stakeholders of this market which even lead to the forced sex work and trafficking of minor, a real reason behind illegalizing the prostitution which is why it is the untouched area for any policy maker because of the fact that the success will always comes out with the scar on the trophy. The research will comprehensively go through the history, pros and cons of the prostitution in any society or religion.

Keywords: Sex Worker, Prostitution, Brothels, Livelihood, Vulnerability